Date: 29/05/2022 07:00 PM

Sun, 29 May 2022, 7:00 PM

MoshPit Bar

Erskineville, Sydney, Australia
Event Info:

The witty and candid lyrical stylings of soloist singer-songwriter AMY SOLYLO burn the bridges between a little light storytelling and divulging the cold, hard truths, but Solylo is an artist that won't be going down in flames anytime soon. Backed by an acoustic guitar and an all-powerful facetious attitude, Amy personifies the notion that hell hath no fury like woman scorned. "To let sleeping dogs lie" is not a well-versed idiom in this artist's vocabularic wheelhouse.

PRINCESS FISH. 3 boys/men? Loosely connected by the name Nathan and living somewhere between Sutherland and the leisure coast (wow, right? Now you know where we live). Pulling a mixed bag of influences from old jazz bops to horrid psych messes that ultimately can't respectably be in the same room together and get away with it. But seriously, few chords here, few wigglies there, just doing what they/we can with the little they/we know"¦.

TAHLZ is the brain child of 22 year old Tahlia Wade. A professional performer & dancer Tahlia spent 2 years living & working in Paris before returning to Australia in the middle of the pandemic, and decided to pick up a guitar, and begin a journey that leads to this moment. A singer/songwriter with musical inspiration that covers almost every genre, Tahlz takes what she feels and turns it into living breathing 3 minute stories that make you listen and smile.

With child-like purity DAWN WILLOW yields delicate vocals that with their haunting intimacy, pulls listeners into a melancholic chamber of looming shadows and provincial light. Blending influences from New Age and Celtic folk music, Willow communicates through lyrics of yearning and pastoral modalities in the attempt to cultivate peace during ones dark night of the soul.

#folk #pop 
#folk #pop